Do you know how it all began?
Once upon a time there was a Humble Musician from a very small country town. He grew up on a Dairy Farm that had no neighbours for miles and miles.
At the age of 15, he stumbled across a guitar. After the first time he played it, he felt inspired and incredibly happy!
He knew at that very moment in time, performing music is the thing he wanted to do for the rest of his life, and in turn, he can share the amazing joy of music with people! After picking up that guitar, he found it impossible to put it down. He practiced and practiced for hours and hours relentlessly until he had mastered his guitar! As much as he loved the farm, he wanted to connect with more people so he moved away from his family to a big city for more opportunities to sing and play his guitar.
At first, it was a real struggle.
He didn't know anyone and had very little money. Sometimes the only thing he had to eat for weeks on end was 2 minute noodles! Eventually people started seeing his passion and amazing talent, and the Humble Musician started getting gigs to perform. Although the pay was very low, he was super excited! At times, he would not have enough money to put petrol in his car, so he would have to catch the bus to gigs. That meant he had to lug all his guitars and equipment which was extremely difficult and exhausting, yet the Humble Musician didn't mind.
He played music not for glory, fame or fortune - but for his genuine love to connect to people through music. His guitar became an extension of his own body. When he performed, he wasn't just playing or singing notes, he was sharing his heart, his emotions, his joy and his soul.
One day, the Humble Musician was performing at a local markets when he was spotted by Australia's Number One Country Music Star! The Country Music Star was blown away by his skills and the sincerity of his performance! He watched and waited until the Humble Musician had finished performing. "You're pretty bloody good on that thing" says the Country Music Star. "Would you like to go on tour with me?" Although the Country Music Star bought many things from the market, he felt the Humble Musician was the best thing he took home that day!
So the Humble Musician went on tour with the Country Music Star and performed at many events nationwide, including the largest festivals in Australia with over 20,000 people! Not only did people love the Country Music Star, they also loved the Humble Musicians performance, and fell in love with him too. He actually went on to become the National Guitar Finger Styling Champion of Australia! Eventually whilst on tour, the Humble Musician met a lovely girl who was Event Planner... and they fell in love. They both shared the love and joy of music.
Just like the Country Music Star, the Event Planner also saw how beautifully the Humble Musician performed. She realised that together, they could offer amazing soulful performances to touch, connect and be a part of people's special moments in life - such as their Wedding day, Birthday or Celebration! They knew they could team up together and offer the most AMAZING atmosphere that could transform any event by sharing the joy of music, until finally McGee Entertainment was born.
Utilising only the most soulful, engaging, inspiring, handpicked, like-minded Musicians found in Australia (just like the Humble Musician), McGee has quickly grown to be one of Australia’s leading entertainment groups because of their reputation of delivering memorable performances! The Humble Musician and the Event Planner absolutely love being a part of people's special occasions... especially Weddings! They feel incredibly honoured to share the joy of music with their clients and create unforgettable moments in their lives.
Still to this day, the Humble Musician tours with the Country Music Star. The Humble Musician holds enormous gratitude for the Country Music Star. Not only is he thankful to have such a kind-hearted, generous person in his life, but also, he is completely honoured to be by his side while sharing the joy of music to thousands!
The Humble Musician none other than the amazing Jason McGregor. The Country Music Star is the one and only legendary Adam Brand and the Event Planner is me, Monique.
Thank you for allowing us to share our story